Friday 12 October 2007

Associate Projects - Guildhall School Update 2

This has been a hectic but really exciting week for the composers involved in the project. The scores and tape-parts were all completed in the last few days. We've each seen Paul-Andre perform the dance quite a few times now: familiarity with the choreography has been essential for crafting our individual musical responses.

I've been looking over everyone's scores and trying to find the best running-order for the performance. Since these pieces are all going to be performed while Paul-Andre is dancing, it's really crucial that we get the shaping and timing of the music just right.

It's been fascinating to look over what everyone has written and to see how each composer has reacted differently to the dance. The music as a whole is incredibly varied. At times it's spacious and reflective, at others it's intense and pretty wild.

One thing we're all really excited about is that Paul-Andre told us he doesn't want to hear any of the music before he dances with it (even though rehearsals have already begun). That way, the performance will be a completely fresh, one-off interaction between our music and his dance.

It's a potentially risky situation and that's what we all love about it.

Ed Finnis