In my visits 6 and 7 to Fortier's Solo 30x30 I decided to stop looking too hard for the 'subliminal' choreography and see what else might be happening. Interestingly what emerged was a series of duets with the passing or watching audience. At one moment a small boy standing up on the 'balcony' mirrors PAF's movements exactly, consciously and somewhat ironically joining the dance. Then there is a picture in which PAF seems - through some act of remote physical will - to be forcing a man to lift his two black bags, to turn a corner and leave the frame. Meanwhile in the same picture another figure joins this gesture with a move towards the performance that completes a circle of movement initiated by Fortier's gesture. Another very straight forward image shows a woman's fear or maybe disgust as Fortier moves into the most violent part of his choreography with chopping movements of the hands accompanied by sharp and audible exhaling. Her body leans away from the performance making it a part of the subliminal choreography that I have been looking for all along, albeit through an unconscious act of aversion rather than inclusion. I like the pictures from these two visits a lot, I have also realised that the panoramic format which I have been looking at is totally appropriate for what I am doing and that using just a 50mm lens gives a more honest view of Fortier's work in relation to the passing people.
Hugo captures Solo 30x30