Friday, 5 October 2007

Performance - Day Three

We arrived to discover a van was parked in the performance space today! Luckily, the driver returned and moved it by 1.15pm, leaving us 15 minutes to prepare the space for Paul-André. Oh, the pressure! The weather was wonderful though, sunny and warm. We counted 489 people stop and watch today, a new record!

We've been conducting interviews with audience members over the last couple of days, but we have a new camera and are experiencing some technical difficulties. Hopefully we'll get it sorted over the weekend, so we can share with you the thoughts of stay tuned!

This is what we like to see! If you've made a video or taken photos on your phone or camera and uploaded it to the net, tell us where you've put it, we'd love to link to it!

For example, here's a flickr site we were sent...